The 45F Social Studio
Your social media library for resources, guides, and trainings to elevate your biz with social media
The 45F Social Studio is your resource library for everything social media that you need to elevate your online biz.
As a 45F Social Studio member, you'll receive new resources every month ranging from printables, cheat sheets, trainings, workbooks and more.
Course Curriculum
StartSocial Media Cheat Sheet
StartPhoto Dimensions Cheat Sheet • Social Media
StartInstagram Checklist
StartMonthly Social Media To-Do's
StartRemove Social Media Anxiety
StartGuide to Going Live
StartStories Comparison Chart (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)
Start3 Week FB LIVE Challenge
StartInstagram Stories Tips & Tricks
Your Instructor
2 years ago I got really bored saying that I'm stressed all the time, my anxiety is bad, or maybe if I just move somewhere everything will be easier. This was my mindset before moving to LA.
I left my draining job in fashion and set out to create a career that allowed me to live on my own terms through social media consulting. During this time, I realized that my client's were dealing with issues beyond strategy that were preventing them from making moves in their business. They didn't have the time or energy and the most amazing strategy in the world won't work without those things.
Today, I teach the lessons I learned while immersed in the LA wellness world. After completing a 16 month life coaching training and beginning my yoga teacher training, I'm on a mission to make sure that every stylish babe has a toolbox of her own.
Fast forward a few years and I'm back living in the midwest and with my wellness toolbox in tow. And while there isn't a juice shop or crystal shop on every corner, my toolbox is what allows me to live a stylishly well life no matter where I am.